Career Profile
I develop machine learning workflows and innovative IT solutions to provide satellite data products at scale. I am passionate about geospatial technology, and aim to continuously improve my data engineering skills, be a trustworthy colleague and deliver sustainable results.
Wietze is the scrum master of the engineering team that maintains Space Intelligence’s data platform. The data platform builds on the Pangeo stack and uses machine learning workflows to provide satellite data products at scale.
In 2023, Wietze got the opportunity to visit Apple’s HQ in Cupertino, CA and present CarbonMapper at an ML conference.
Delivered various CarbonMapper and HabitatMapper projects, predominantly in the tropics. Developed an interactive weighting app to create opportunity maps for natural capital.
Led satellite data projects for farming insights, mainly in Bangladesh, Indonesia and Vietnam. Founded a team enabling consultants to create open-source IT tools following standard developer practices.